Transportation Works...TOGETHER!
A Briefing on the State of the Transportation Industry
Wouldn’t you like to get together to catch up on all the changes and the future outlook for Florida’s multimodal transportation system? We would!
Floridians for Better Transportation invites you to attend a condensed state of the industry forum September 16-17 at the Hilton Orlando to focus on how each sector of the industry is planning for forward movement in the post-pandemic era.
We will welcome you with an opening reception on September 16—observing proper social distancing, of course! So, pick out your best-looking mask (be creative) and join us for some long overdue conversation with colleagues, business partners and old friends.
Thursday, September 17 will be a day filled with pertinent and strategically timed information that will bring you up to date on what has happened in transportation, how your company will be impacted and what changes are on the horizon as a result. It will be the most fruitful 7 hours of your week!
Events of the past 6 months have viscerally reminded us of what is truly “essential” in our daily lives! When we recount what those things are, we always include transportation among the top few. Having access to reliable transportation is what enables us to connect to the other essentials of a quality life—food, health care, access to jobs, and safety being among the most critical.
The transportation industry has adapted but has not halted during these challenging times. In fact, construction projects have been accelerated during this unique period when there is reduced traffic on our major corridors. Aviation and the cruise industry, on the other hand, have both taken a “gut punch” in the wake of the pandemic and will need to work vigilantly to recover. Space is still “shooting for the stars and beyond” with increasing payload deployments. Passenger rail has been temporarily derailed, but cargo movements are still on track. Bike riding and walking seemed to be on the upswing!
Everyone has a story to tell, and you are invited to come for what may very well be your first venture outside since the Covid-19 virus wreaked havoc on the world. If so, please be assured that your health is our top concern, and we will not compromise your safety in any way. Hilton has a branded safety protocol in place that will provide you the utmost care and protection through social distancing, masking, and easy access to sanitizer stations. We will all follow the latest CDC recommendations, and I am confident that we can come together safely.
To reserve your room at Hilton Orlando, click here now!